Secure Form is a ready-to-go payment form prepared by PayLane. If you don’t want to integrate via our REST API, Secure Form is the choice for you.
You just have to redirect your customer to our page with the form, where they’ll perform a payment and will be redirected back to your website.
Get your access data
Simply log into the Merchant Panel, click account, Secure Form customization and Options. You will find your merchant_id and hash salt there. That’s the data you will need to properly redirect your customers to PayLane with a POST request.
Simple redirect example
The simplest case would involve an HTML form with specific information that would be sent via a POST request. There’s no need to require any the data from your customers, so all the fields will be hidden in most cases.
Here’s how it can look like:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="19.99" /> <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="EUR" /> <input type="hidden" name="merchant_id" value="john_test" /> <input type="hidden" name="description" value="TR001" /> <input type="hidden" name="transaction_description" value="Product 1 transaction" /> <input type="hidden" name="transaction_type" value="S" /> <input type="hidden" name="back_url" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="language" value="en" /> <input type="hidden" name="hash" value="6926ed14d1ae4d8eb2350d3c15e6a420e3bb7052" /> <button type="submit">Pay with PayLane</button> </form> |
Calculating the hash
The hash value is calculated using the following formula:
1 2 | hash = SHA1(salt + "|" + description + "|" + amount + "|" + currency + "|" + transaction_type) |
1 2 | hash = SHA1("MySalt|TR001|19.99|EUR|S") = "6926ed14d1ae4d8eb2350d3c15e6a420e3bb7052" |
You can set the salt value in the Merchant Panel.
You should never send salt or calculate the hash on the client’s side. This should always be done using a server-side script.
Request values
Below you can find the full list of parameters that may (or have to) be send with a Secure Form POST request.
POST field name | Required | Format | Description |
merchant_id | Yes | string (32) | Your Merchant ID that gives you access to PayLane’s Secure Form. You can find your Merchant ID in the Merchant Panel (account => secure form customization => options). |
description | Yes | string(2-20) Only letters and numbers are allowed. | Transaction identifier that will be passed to PayLane systems. This will be later visible as the transaction’s description in PayLane’s Merchant Panel. Only alphanumeric chars are allowed. |
transaction_description | Yes | string(10000) Basic HTML tags allowed. | Description of the product/service/transaction. This description will appear on the payment form. |
amount | Yes | decimal(12,2) Use dot (.) as decimal separator. | Total amount to be charged. |
currency | Yes | string(3) | ISO 4217 currency code; the specified amount will be charged in this currency (for example “EUR” or “GBP”). |
transaction_type | Yes | string(1) | Transaction type; there are two valid values:
back_url | Yes | string(500) | Website address where a customer will be redirected after performing the payment, for example |
hash | Yes | string(40) | Security hash. |
language | No | string(2) | ISO 639 language code. Currently Secure Form can be presented in the following languages:
customer_name | No | string(50) | Customer full name. |
customer_email | No | string(80) | Customer email address. |
customer_address | No | string(46) | Customer address. |
customer_zip | No | string(9) | Customer ZIP code (if applicable). |
customer_city | No | string(40) | Customer city |
customer_state | No | string(40) | Customer state/province (if applicable). |
customer_country | No | string(2) | Customer country in ISO 3166 code, for example US or GB. |
When a customer pays (submits the Secure Form), they’re redirected back to your website (the URL specified in the back_url parameter). A set of parameters is passed in response (using POST or GET – its your choice).
POST field name | Data type | Description |
status | string | Sale status:
description | string(20) | Transaction identifier – it is the same value you sent in the request. |
amount | decimal(12,2) | Transaction amount. |
currency | string(3) | Transaction currency code – ISO 4217 standard. For example USD, GBP, EUR. |
hash | string(40) | Security hash. |
id_authorization | integer(10) | Sale authorization ID number in PayLane system. Empty, if:
id_sale | integer(10) | Sale ID number in PayLane system. Empty, if:
id_error | integer(10) | Error ID number in PayLane system. Empty if no error occurred. |
error_code | integer(3) | Numeric error code. |
error_text | string(500) | Short error description. |
fraud_score | decimal(4,2) | Fraud check result. 0.00 – low risk, 10.00 – high risk. Empty if fraud check was not performed. |
avs_result | string(2) | Result of AVS check. Empty if AVS check was not performed. |
Calculating the response hash
PayLane uses the same salt value to generate another hash sent in response. It is calculated using the following formula:
1 2 | hash = SHA1(salt + "|" + status + "|" + description + "|" + amount + "|" + currency + "|" + id) |
This way you only have to compare the received hash with the one calculated by you to learn whether the response was sent securely.