Cards are among the most popular payment methods in the world. Customers can use many kinds of cards to pay online, including credit cards, debit cards and pre-paid cards.
Cards are a good choice for most markets; some markets are even dominated by this payment method.
Start the PayLane Rest Client
Before you start calling any API methods regarding card operations, please make sure that you have properly initiated the PayLane Rest Client. It’s very easy, simply include a proper file and provide your user name and password.
1 2 | include_once ('PayLaneRestClient.php'); $client = new PayLaneRestClient('your_login', 'your_password'); |
1 2 | require 'paylane_client' client ='your_login', 'your_password') |
1 2 | from client import PayLaneRestClient client = PayLaneRestClient("your_login", "your_password") |
1 | PayLaneApi api = PayLaneClientFactory.createClassicClient(context, "your_login", "your_password"); |
For further details on API integration (error codes, test card numbers etc.), please check the integration & testing section.